Zong Wu Men
Internal Fighting Arts
Washington DC / NoVA |
Zong Wu Men - a martial arts school founded in Northern Virginia dedicated to promote and teach at its core the traditional internal fighting arts of Gao style Baguazhang and Hebei Xingyiquan.
Classes are taught directly by George Wood, a veteran of more than 20 years of martial arts experience. The emphasis is mainly on Gao style Baguazhang, an art reknowned for its use of a full comprehensive spectrum of principle and practice for the study of traditional fighting arts and the development of the mind and body.
Zong Wu Men seeks to provide traditional training in the physical and mental aspects of the Internal Arts. Training is offered in a wholistic manner, emphasizing the full range of potential training found in these arts - self defense and combat aspects, the hard traditional training, aspects of meditation and mind/body development, internal work, qigong, and the training and balance of the body and mind. Classes will not only provide a good, friendly learning environment for all, but a serious and respectful attitude towards training these traditions.
Click here and on the various sections in the navigation bar above for more information on Zong Wu Men. |
Yi Zong Ba Gua
The martial traditions of Zhang Zhunfeng as taught by Luo Dexiu worldwide |
This site will also serve as a comprehensive resource for the martial arts lineage of my teacher - Luo Dexiu.
Luo Dexiu has researched, developed and refined the martial arts of Baguazhang and Xingyiquan passed down from Zhang Zhunfeng. A veteran of challenges, competition and hard traditional training, he has been practicing and teaching these arts for more than 30 years. In addition, he is also expert in the Chen Panling style of Taijiquan. He is considered one of the foremost experts on these styles in the world.
The name Yi Zong comes from the tradition of Zhang Zhunfeng - it was the generation name given to Zhang Zhunfeng by his teacher, as well as the name of his school of martial arts after arriving in Taiwan. Luo Dexiu's school is called Qian Kun She - or in full, our name is Yi Zong Ba Gua Men Qian Kun She.
To learn about our lineage, as well as find information on instructors and practice groups around the country and around the world, read through this section for more information. |
Internal Arts
Bagua, Xingyi, Taiji and More |
This section will also provide information on the Internal Arts in general.
From the Internal martial arts of Baguazhang, Xingyiquan and Taijiquan, to further information about other aspects of Asian culture, medicine, qigong, diet and exercise - you will eventually be able to find further information on it here.
This section will grow gradually over time, if you would like to contribute any articles, or information for this section, please do not hesitate to contact me at george@yizongbagua.com. |
For more information on learning Baguazhang or Xingyiquan in the Northern Virginia / Washington D.C. area - click here to go directly to Zong Wu Men.
To write George Wood directly for more detailed information on classes at Zong Wu Men, click here to send an email.

Version 1.1 of the YiZong
website is now up and running... I hope. If there are any dead links or
usability issues that you would like to report - please contact me! I
would greatly appreciate it.
Also, if you would like
to submit an article, pictures, or video for the site, we would love to
see it as well. Please contact me directly by email.
There are plans to continually
upgrade the look and content of the site. I'm always happy to entertain
suggestions for design and for content, so feel free to post a topic on
the discussion
board or to send me an email.
New articles in the Community
Library by Peter Nason and Buddy Tripp.
Some new graphics being
New picture gallery with
pics donated by Pierre Rouzier.
New video clips up in the
Community Library.
I'm a new father to Aidan
- family
page here.
Animal Seminar Series - Starting 2/24/06